Welcome to Healing from Breast Implant Illness


I am SO glad you are here in the Breast Implant Illness Healing course. Whether you are here for yourself, or someone you love, YOU are absolutely COURAGEOUS! We will be going through these lessons together step-by-step. You will have a greater understanding and EMPOWERMENT to make the best informed decisions about healing from Breast Implant Illness (BII).

Hello, my name is Cecily.

I am a Certified Health Coach Practitioner, wife, mom, and

Breast Implant Illness Thriver.

After struggling with BII for 15-years, I decided to become a Functional Medicine Practitioner. I learned how to recover from Breast Implant Illness (BII), using holistic healing practices, functional medicine testing, and nutrition.

I am here to help you on your journey of healing!

Healing is REAL

Making the effort to remove your Breast Implants was a life changing decision. In this course, you will gain the knowledge and empowerment to heal yourself through Functional Medicine practices and testing. These specific methods will help guide you through the healing process. Each person is different, and the path to health is individual.

You will learn:

  • How Breast Implant Illness affects your Immune System
  • Healing your Gut and Microbiome
  • What to do about Food Sensitivities and Allergies
  • How to Detox from Silicone Migration
  • Functional Medicine Practices for Thyroid and Hormone Health
  • Brain and Mental Health Therapeutics
  • Natural Breast Enlargement Options
  • Nutrition Guides
  • Nutritional Deficiency Testing
  • Microbiome Testing
  • Mold and Organic Acid Testing
  • Gut Health assessment....and more!!!!

Knowing how to act on important researched information CAN make a difference in your health. After taking this course, you will be on your way to healing and feeling confident in your physical and emotional well-being. Confidence finds STRENGTH!

Breast Implant Illness

Many of us have felt alone when dealing with Breast Implant Illness (BII). Having complications such as Implant Rupture, Deflation, Infection, and disease have brought many women a sense of hopelessness. There is a bright light ahead. Functional Medicine gets to the root-cause of illness. When you combine medical testing and holistic practices, you can get results! I am here to teach you how to use these methods to heal yourself and get back the life YOU deserve.

Having your health, physically, emotionally, and spiritually brings fulfillment and peace. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my expertise with you.

Natural is Beautiful

In this Breast Implant Illness Course, I will briefly go over some of the information about Natural Breast Enlargement Options. You may have the opportunity to naturally enlarge your breasts during Breast Implant Removal surgery. We will discuss this option in Lesson 8. Those who would like more extensive information can visit the Natural Breast Enlargement course link. I chose natural options and went up 2 cup sizes!

Navigating through the Lessons

The blue links will direct you to definitions or references of what we are discussing. This will help you understand more about a specific topic or study.

There will be an Audio File located at the start of each lesson. Please feel free to listen and follow along in the lesson. I am a busy wife, mom, and grandmother. Sometimes I can only listen when life is going fast forward.

Some of the lessons will have a Scientific Studies heading. This will let you know we are about to learn researched information.

The Discussion heading is for talking about the Scientific Study. This will be in orange lettering, I will help you understand what the medical study data means and how it is interpreted.

We will be discussing holistic ways to prepare and heal yourself from Breast Implant Illness (BII). The Functional Medicine heading will let you know we are discussing holistic research to guide you safely through your journey of healing.

The More Information heading will be at the end of each lesson and provide additional information and links to studies for further research.

Transformation is Waiting........Healing is REAL

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